Total Enlightened:

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sasquatch / The Untold 2002

Billionaire Harlan Knowles (Lance Henriksen) runs a big bad techie company whose private jet is on its way to a shareholders meeting when it inexplicably crashes in the Pacific Northwest. Onboard is a brilliant scientist and, of course, his daughter. DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!
Blah Blah Blah they can't find the plane, blah blah blah Lance sets out with a team of his own to find his daughter. Blah Blah Blah they're stalked by Bigfoot.
Okay first off half of this movie was filmed on a flip phone. I think they were going for "eerie" and "disjointed" but it just seemed out of focus and badly edited at times.
The movie is slow moving but does actually build up some good tension as there's plenty of "what was that??" moments before you actually get a good glimpse at the ol' furry guy. Sort of like the original Jaws where you only saw brief glimpses and evidence of the beast before the big "you're gonna need a bigger boat" reveal. This movie does deliver a very similar experience.
Of course you find out that while ol' Lance does indeed want to find his daughter he might be a liiiiittle more interested in recovering a piece of technology that his company was going to reveal at the shareholders meeting which just so happens to be a super duper instant DNA analyzer which can basically tell you anything about anything so long as you have a DNA sample. Somehow this feels familiar... like Lance Henriksen's primary concern isn't the person.. but the technology....Hmmmmm

But I digress....
So there's the usual breathtakingly original characters:
1. The nerdy computer guy who works for Lance who's along because he's the tech guy and conveniently just happens to be a bigfoot buff
2. The celebrity outdoorsman who supposedly is like the John Wayne of outdoor survival and hunting and tracking but turns out to be a big fake and doesn't really attempt to prove otherwise as he spends the entire movie drinking and generally being incompetent. AKA The guy you know in the first 5 seconds is going to die. (Hint: He does).
3. The token "hot chick" with ulterior motives who want to bang Lance for personal gain but mostly incurs the unwanted advances of nerdy computer guy.
4. The local guide who is far more competent than the celebrity outdoorsman. AKA the guy you know is going to live (Hint: He does).
5. The token smart, not really hot chick who... honestly I'm not sure what purpose she serves. She lives though.
So slowly but surely the group starts to come around on the whole bigfoot thing after a series of OMG moments (one of which being token hot chick gets dragged off into the wild) and they realize what they're truly up against.
They find the plane, everyone's dead, but the piece of technology that Lance wanted is still intact and they piece together that the plane went down for some reason (dismissed as some kind of electrical failure with no explanation), hit a bigfoot on the way down, and then were stalked and killed by other bigfoots for revenge but NOT before Lance's daughter shmeered some dead bigfoot blood into their fancy machine and more or less proved the whole "Bigfoot is real" thing.
So daughter is dead, tech is recovered, time to go home right? No, Bigfoots mommy... or daddy... or brother... cousin? Whatever, is out to get them for revenge and because that piece of tech and the proof of their existence can not return to civilization.
Oh and token hot chick decides to rip off Lance and grab the device and book it like hell 1,000 miles back to civilization without the guide and without any training to do so.... right, okay, she gets beat down by Big Bad Bigfoot Brown.
Lance basically vows that the device has to get back to his company or his company is done for while his remaining companions- token not hot chick, nerdy guy, local guide dude plead with him to leave the device behind because then Bigfoot will let them live.
Indiana.... Let it Go....
...Which he of course doesn't and goes off charging through the woods on his own, the billionaire badass with a sniper rifle, firing wildly into the air while Bigfoot is stalking him basically taunting him to come out and get some....
Which he does.
1,000 year old Lance Henriksen gets into a tango with what is essentially The Hulk but with a lot of hair and somehow doesn't get destroyed. Instead after getting knocked out, Bigfoot drags him to the burial sight of his fallen comrade to which Lance puts two and two together and realizes they're an advanced society that only killed his people (and daughter) out of revenge for what happened to his kin. Lance, having a fatherly moment, realizes this, puts a bullet through the device and leaves it behind. Bigfoot lets him leave.
Epilogue: Lance, token not hot chick, nerdy guy, and local guide dude make it back to civilization. Nerdy computer guy starts saying they were attacked by Bigfoot, everyone else denies it and basically has him committed, Bigfoot is still a legend and undiscovered as far as the world knows.
Aaaaaaaand scene.
First off, the movie is fairly decent despite the really bad choice in camera work and editing as mentioned above. Other than that the acting is all pretty decent. Lance Henriksen is no stranger to the acting game and delivers a solid enough performance given a limited character to work with. He's his usual sorta quiet, soft-spoken self for the most part. He's a reliable actor and no problems there.
The rest is all decent working actors that play their parts, albeit they're all pretty much stereotypes of various characters but hey, it's a B movie.
Here's my boggle.... Bigfoot knows that the device is dangerous to them?
Well, no, one character offers "He might not know that the device is dangerous but he senses danger from us."
.....right... sooo he still doesn't know the box they're carrying is dangerous, right?
Apparently he does because Lance takes off on his own, device in hand, while the three other survivors escape unmolested..
Except for the part where the device was hanging out inside the downed plane for two months and ol Biggie could have gotten to it at anytime....
Or when token hot chick grabs it and takes off, Bigfoot beats her rotten.... and leaves the device right there laying next to her.
But I guess ol' Size 19 needed Lance to understand. Sure.
Overall not too bad of a film I guess, except for the crappy editing it more or less delivered with decent acting, albeit not great. Some of the scenery was very nice indeed, and when you finally see Bigfoot it doesn't just look like a dude in a big monkey suit.
Very brief boobs, but nothing to write home about.

Three out of Five Caped Dudes. Mostly because Lance Henriksen delivered, the supporting cast was adequate, and the Bigfoot makeup didn't suck.

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