Total Enlightened:

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bad Movie Crusader

Ever since I was a kid... wait, that's not true...

When I was sixteen I snuck into a drive-in movie theater... wait, that's not true either.

I was on vacation with my family when I was a kid and saw some movie on the television about aliens that looked like big brains that sucked the life out of people and wanted to take over the planet.

I guess you could say I was hooked after that.

I like bad movies. A lot.

But not just bad movies. The bad GOOD ones. The ones that know they're bad, don't take themselves too seriously, and are funny or fun, or so outlandishly over the top that they deliver the good entertainment-wise.

In other words, this aint no place for Gone with the Wind... a good movie, granted, but a good GOOD movie. Not good bad.

Here we're contending with the good bad ones... or the bad good ones. The sort of thing that SyFy runs at 4:00 in the morning or you'd find in the bargain bin at that video store that's finally going out of business after hanging on a little too long in the age of Netflix and Hulu and Amazon Prime Video, etc...

Remember Blockbuster? Yeah, your kids won't.

So we will delve forth in these pages to explore some of the best and worst that is out there. And trust me, there's a lot.

This is gonna be fun.

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