Total Enlightened:

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Frankenstein Theory

A halfway decent concept that just got ruined by the execution.

There's not much to say about The Frankenstein Theory except to say that the plot and idea was original but the execution was boring and snooooooooooooore.

Basically a brilliant professor is a long lost descendant of the guy who actually told Mary Shelly about that whole "Frankenstein" thing and it's a true story that was fictionalized and omg we're going to look for the real Frankenstein.... in the Arctic circle.

Okay, not bad. It's okay. It's all good. Except for the part where absolutely nothing NOTHING happens for the first 40 minutes of the movie. It seriously lags and tries to do a "build up" but fails and is very dialogue driven in the beginning.

I guess it's supposed to be suspenseful when the crew that is camping out in the middle of the Alaskan/Canadian wilderness hears wolves all the time------ but it's not. At all. Here's a fucking shocker- You're in the Canadian wilderness. There's wolves. Relax. But the characters freak out like they've never heard a wolf before or never heard a wolf howl or never heard a wolf howl from 10 miles away or never ever ever ever ever ever entertained the fact that if they're hanging out in the Canadain Wilderness..... there may be wolves that are 10 miles away and howl. Seriously they freak out like there's a zombie Nazi about to eat their baby over a fucking wolf howl and that provides the "scary" for the first 50 mins or so.


Just to get it out of the way- the dude is right, Frankenstein is there, you never see him really, you never get a good look, you never do anything. The movie is an "OK" styling of the "found footage" genre but it doesn't add anything really. It's mostly dialogue forever, there's no real scares, no real shocks. It just sorta drags on and yeah there's a bit of scary here but not much. It's interesting enough as a concept though that really could have been done a lot better had this movie not been entrusted to a flip phone and a budget of $20 and a 6 pack of Coors.

The characters all lose their minds for no reason, they all freak out, it's loose and stupid. Eventually Franky shows up and our brilliant professor talks to him (off screen of course) and dies. Then he kills everyone (shocking). And hey, Bigfoot/Frankenstein of whatever you want to call him lives.

It's an OK movie. There's some decent acting, some OK parts but for the most part it REALLY doesn't deliver and is probably worth skipping.

Two BMC's cuz it's OKAY.... but mostly eh.

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